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Key Team Members

Pedro Carrillo


Global Client Lead


With over two decades of experience in the energy industry. Pedro leads the sales cycle focusing on strong client relationships and product experience. Born and raised in Venezuela, Pedro has a MSc degree in Earth Sciences from Simon Bolivar University. Global traveler and chef aficionado.

Beaches are his best places to recharge, reboot and recenter.

Konrad Cieslik


Founder & Data Scientist


With a solid machine learning background and proven experience in various industries. Konrad leads the creation and application of AI models. Konrad has a MSc degree in Geophysics from AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow. Currently, pursuing PhD in Machine Learning from Wroclaw University of Science and Technology.

Enthusiastic runner and biker. A new hobby on the way: paragliding.

John Smith


Founder & Technical Advisor

AI Consulting





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